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What is Programming or Coding and Who is a Programmer or a Coder?

What is Programming or Coding and Who is a Programmer or a Coder? These kinds of words or sentences we usually listen to and we don't know what actually it means. So in this topic, we will discuss actually what is programming or Coding and How is a Programmer or Coder?


Coding or Programming you've heard these terms a lot but what exactly do they mean hi, my name is Bilal Ahmad and today I’m going to tell you what it actually means to program, to be a programmer, to be a software developer, to be a coverall of these things they're basically the same thing it means you're writing code for the computer, you're writing instructions for the computer to do something.

 What-is-Programming-or-Coding-and-How-is-a-Programmer-or-a-Coder What-is-Programming-or-Coding-and-How-is-a-Programmer-or-a-Coder
What is Programming or Coding and Who is a Programmer or a Coder

For example:

 you could build something that adds numbers something fairly simple or you could build something more complicated with machine learning and detecting images and photos or you could build a website or you could build an Alexa skill which is you know if you have that Amazon echo apps for that or apps for your mobile or apps for the web whatever you want to build you can build so much stuff and there's a bunch of different languages and A bunch of different things.

Salary of a programmer:

A computer Programmer estimate made more than $84500 in a year and it is continuously increasing day by day.

Best Paying Cities For Programmer:

The following are the best-paying cities for programmers:
  • Washington gives almost more than $128000 to a programmer in a year.
  • Columbia gives more than $105000 to a programmer in a year.
  • California gives more than $97000 to a Programmer in a year.
  • Arizona gives more than $95000 to a programmer in a year.
  • Massachusetts gives more than $94000 to a programmer in a year.

Basic Program:

I'm gonna be telling you the basics of like what it means to be a program or what it means to write code and we'll do it in a couple different languages so you can get an idea of what I mean so let's just jump in and I'll show you exactly how it works all right.

Programming tools:

So what are we goanna code the first thing we're gonna code is a web application a website something for the Internet for the web to do this we have to download some tools first we can just jump right into the code oftentimes you'll need tools to be able to write that code just like you'd use Photoshop to edit a photo or some other photo editing software you have to download Photoshop to be able to edit your photo so there are a couple things?


Program or Code:

we're gonna download in order to edit and write our code the first thing we're gonna do is download something called a text editor and it's going to be from the sublime text this is just a plain text editor another example of this is notepad so if you just go notes on a Mac or notepad plus I think itis on Windows you can go ahead and grab that as an alternative but you'll see the perks to having a text editor right now so go to this website download this thing we're going to use it to write code write instructions that the computer will run in order to create do whatever we tell it to do because that what we get to do as programmers so download the once you've downloaded it you'll be able to go the sublime text you'll be able to find it once it's all installed and something similar this should pop up now what are we gonna write in this here's our tool we have sublime text we don't have code yet we have to write code in order for anything to happen. 

Simple Code:

So let's go ahead and do that we're gonna write something called HTML code and this is hypertext markup language essentially what this is going to do is it's going to tell our computer what to display on a website so we could just go like each one hello and these are just opening and closing header tags(h1) that are saying hey make this text really big and we'll save this will be like an index.html this is a typical naming convention for a file in the web oh look at that how beautiful it turned our into little you know they made the pink which is great and that's one of the perks of downloading a code a specific text editor is that you get little perks like that and it's because of we have this little HTML thing at the bottom if we were programming in other languages we could pick up you know whichever one we want and it would give us extra tools for that given language etc.


How To Print Code or Program:

 So, great we have our code here it says "hello" and let's just made that hello world and we'll save that there it is how do you know this is great we have our code file how do we even do anything with it well we are going to drag it into our browser and there it is it says hello world that's one type of coding let's do something else so that's like oh I made this for the web and there's a bunch of other tools you can use we can drag and drop again we can even edit this file and we might need to drag it into sublime we could just say hello my name is Bilal Ahmad so we'll do that and then drag it back into Google Chrome now it says hello, Bilal Ahmad there are a bunch of different tools and languages that you can use to basically make this look a lot better we won't be diving to that because we are on the basics so let's go ahead and build something else that's one type of coding and that probably the one you're most familiar with but what about something else lets jump into sublime again but this time we're not going to be writing HTML code.

Programming Languages:

 We're gonna be writing with Python code. Python is another programming language and it gives you a little bit more power than your plain HTML do you can actually, compute things and it's used in machine learning and artificial intelligence and a lot of others like mathematical and scientific fields so it's kind of important to know um let's just do something simple without jumping into anything way too crazy the first thing that we're gonna do in Python is that we're gonna do something similar to what we did in HTML we're just gonna print something out to our console we'll say print and we'll just say hi you know so essentially what we're doing here is we're saying or into or display to the console display to our window consoles kind of like the window which you'll see in a second display hi all right let's save that we'll go hello dot by notice we have the pay extension here instead of HTML that's because this is a Python file save that to the desktop ah beautiful look at that codebook at that color-coding.


Coding or Programming File:

All right we have this python file, of course, the code means nothing unless we run it we executed it with HTML it works a little bit different but we dragged it into our google chrome and that's how we could see what it does for the we have to actually execute this code so we open something called the terminal and this is a crazy magical tool that you all have on your computers essentially what you do is I'm making the text bigger but you can use it might be called the terminal if the terminal is not coming up then it might be command line and we're going to do a couple of cool things in our command line what are we going to do well I'm essential what the command line is like I said before magical tool and why is it so magical well essentially it's a text interface and it's something that's used in a lot of programming or software development.

Text Editor:

 Another tool if you thought sublime as a tool that was our text-editor it's a tool to help us execute or run our code so show what our code does and it's a tool we can use to navigate files it's essentially another way to interact with our code this can seem pretty intimidating at first because it is in fact what like all of the hackers use in their movies you've seen any like Mr. robot they're using this thing all of those hackers movies that you know what I'm talking you know you know they're using the terminal because it looks pretty cool on it looks like you know something that's super intimidating and crazy that you can figure it out.

Graphical User Interference:

 But today you're gonna be using it what it is okay so if you think of this is a GUI right here it's a graphical user interface. I can click I can drag this is the big thing that made Apple like crazy popular is it was the first thing I'm pretty sure they were the first company to implement this versus this was the original essentially it was a text interface so this has graphics it's so pretty we can just drag and drop things here we have to do it all with text and this can come with pros and cons so essentially what this means is like over here is my graphical this is all graphical I can click and drag and copy things I can do you know we can open that by clicking on it all of that good stuff in the terminal if I want to see what folders I have I have to actually write a command I have to tell the computer via text not click and drag what to do so here I wrote LS if you are in Windows.



Essentially you're just writing little commands or Program over here and then you can run Program in your terminal in this thing and see what they do this gets super basic but it's the general idea of what it means to be a programmer and what it means to a program you are writing code over here and then you run it and some other program you will execute that code sometimes executing that code is done automatically not always sometimes it's someone literally pushing a button to run the code it just depends on your use a case so I hope you know what programming means now and what it means to be a coder or a software developer on the most basic level obviously this isn't everything you need to knows but hopefully, this lets you know exactly what a software developer kind of does like what they do on a daily basis it's just writing code that this run by the computer executed by the computer because code alone doesn't do anything you have to actually give it to the computer to execute and then seeing what the output is and then basically changing the program and tweaking it to whatever you want that output to thank you so much for seeing this article.

With Best Regards,
Bilal Ahmad.

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