My Projects

Banking Management Project in C++ with documentation | Banking Management Project in C++ with output and source code.

Banking Management Project in C++ with documentation | Banking Management Project in C++ with output and source code. It is the most simple and easy Project In C++. And we will Do this Project with the help of functions, arrays and switches statements. And we will also discuss the expected output of the Code.


Banking Management Project in C++ with Documentation:

So basically the banking management Project in C++ with documentation includes the following tasks basically:
  • Open the Account.
  • Deposit Money.
  • Withdraw Money.
  • Display The Account.
  • Exit Option.
  • Message if the input number is wrong.


Further Details of Banking Management Project in C++:

Banking Management Project in C++ consists the further Details:

if a person opens the account then we will take the following details also.

  • Name.
  • Adress.
  • Account type.
  • Amount to Deposit.

Code of Banking Management Project in C++ with source code:

using namespace std;
char name[100] = { '\0' }, add[500] = { '\0' }, y = '\0';
int balance = 0, amount = 0;
void open_account()
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "Enter your full name ::";
cin.getline(name, 100);
cout << "Enter your addess ::";
cin.getline(add, 100);
cout << "what type of account you want to open saving (s) or current (c)";
cin >> y; 
cout << "Enter amount for deposite ::";
cin >> balance;
cout << "Your account is created ";
cout << "the details of account is given below:" << endl;
cout << "name of user    :" << name << endl;
cout << "address of user     :" << add << endl;
cout << "account Type   : " << y << endl;
cout << " the current Balance   :" << balance << endl;
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
void deposite_money()
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
int a;
cout << "Enter how much money you want to deposit::";
cin >> a;
balance += a;
cout << "Your total deposit amount\n" << balance << endl;
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
void display_account()
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "Enter the name ::" << name << endl;
cout << "Enterened your addees ::" << add << endl;
cout << "Type of account that you open ::" << y << endl;
cout << "Amount you deposite ::" << balance << endl;
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
void withdraw_money()
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "withdeaw ::";
cout << "Enter your amount for withdrawing ";
cin >> amount;
balance = balance - amount;
cout << "Now your total amount is left ::" << balance;
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
int main()
int ch = 0, n = 0;
char x = '\0';
for (int i = 0; ch != 5;i++)
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "01)open account \n";
cout << "02)deposite money \n";
cout << "03)withdeaw money \n";
cout << "04)display account\n";
cout << "05)Exit\n";
cout << "please sir, select the option from above ";
cin >> ch;
cout << "*******************************************************************" << endl;
switch (ch)
case 1:"01)open account \n";
case 2:"02)deposite money \n";
case 3:"03)withdeaw money \n";
case 4:"04)display account\n";
case 5:
if (ch == 5)
cout << "exit" << endl;
cout << "This is not exit please try again " << endl;
return 0;


Conclusion :

So basically it is a very simple and basic banking Management Project in C++. And you can easily understand also what are the goals of this banking management project in C++.
If You Have any suggestions about this project then please let me know in the comment.

With Best Regards,
Bilal Ahmad.

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