My Projects

GPA calculator in c++ language | Basic C++ Programming Language

GPA calculator in c++ language | Basic C++ Programming Language.

GPA Calculator:

This is the GPA calculator in C++ Programming Language. It is a very basic calculator in C++. With the help of this Project, you can do multiple tasks.

Task You Can be Done Using C++ Project:

The Following task can be done using the GPA Calculator in c++:
  • Data enrolled.
  • Get the student with a high GPA.
  • Sort the Students according to their GPA.
  • Get The Details Of Student.
  • Get The Student With High Absentees.

GPA calculator in c++ language  Basic C++ Programming Language
GPA calculator in c++ language  Basic C++ Programming Language

Now the Code Of this project Here:

using namespace std;
int main()
char  a = 'y', name[10] = { '\0' };
float cgpa[10];
int abs[10], i = 0, uid[10], opt, k = 0;
while (a == 'y' || a == 'Y' && i < 10)
cout << "*********************************" << endl;
cout << "Enter student initial(first characte of name)    :";
cin >> name[i];
cout << "Enter student ID   :";
cin >> uid[i];
cout << "Enter student cgpa   :";
cin >> cgpa[i];
cout << "Enter student absent  :";
cin >> abs[i];
cout << " Enter condition   :";
cin >> a;
cout << "*********************************" << endl;
cout << "****************************************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "1. Enter data for all the enrolled student" << endl;
cout << "2. Enter the data of the student with highest and lowest CGPA" << endl;
cout << "3. Enter the sorted record of a student on the basis of their CGPA in ascending order" << endl;
cout << "4. Enter the details of the students whose absents are more than 20." << endl;
cout << "****************************************************************************************" << endl;

cout << "Enter Option" << endl;
cin >> opt;
if (opt == 1)
for (int b = 0; b < i; b++)
cout << "***********************************************" << endl;
cout << " The name of student is \n\n " << name[b] << endl;
cout << " The student unique id is\n\n" << uid[b] << endl;
cout << "The student cgpa is\n\n" << cgpa[b] << endl;
cout << "The student absent is\n\n" << abs[b] << endl;
cout << "*************************************************" << endl;


if (opt == 2)
bool test = true;
for (int c = 0; c < k; c++)
for (int d = 0; d < k; d++)
if (cgpa[c] >cgpa[d])
test = true;
else if (cgpa[c] < cgpa[d] && c != d)
test = false;
if (test == true)
cout << "********************************************" << endl;
cout << "The maximum cgpa of the student" << endl;
cout << "The name of student is\n\n" << name[c] << endl;
cout << "The student unique id is\n\n" << uid[c] << endl;
cout << "The student cgpa is\n\n" << cgpa[c] << endl;
cout << "The student absent is\n\n" << abs[c] << endl;
cout << "**********************************************" << endl;


for (int e = 0; e < k; e++)
for (int f = 0; f < k; f++)
if (cgpa[e] < cgpa[f])
test = true;
else if (cgpa[e] > cgpa[f] && e != f)
test = false;
if (test == true)
cout << "***********************************************" << endl;
cout << "The minimum cgpa of the student" << endl;
cout << "The student id is\n\n" << name[e] << endl;
cout << "The student unique id is\n\n" << uid[e] << endl;
cout << "The student cgpa is\n\n" << cgpa[e] << endl;
cout << "The student absent is\n\n" << abs[e] << endl;
cout << "**********************************************" << endl;

if (opt == 3)
cout << endl;
cout << "***************************" << endl;
cout << "entering option 3" << endl;
cout << "***************************" << endl;
for (int g = 0; g < k; g++)
for (int h = g + 1; h < k; h++)
if (cgpa[g] < cgpa[h])
swap(cgpa[g], cgpa[h]);
swap(name[g], name[h]);
swap(uid[g], uid[h]);
swap(abs[g], abs[h]);
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
cout << "**************************************" << endl;
cout << "The student name is\n\n" << name[i] << endl;
cout << "The student unique id is\n\n" << uid[i] << endl;
cout << "The student cgpa is\n\n" << cgpa[i] << endl;
cout << "The student absent is\n\n" << abs[i] << endl;
cout << "****************************************" << endl;
return 0;


So we can conclude that with the help of this project you can do an easy task. this will help you really to learn programming language specially c++ Programming.

If you have any suggestions related to this piece of code then please let me know in the comment section.

with the best regard,
Bilal Ahmad.

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